Tag Archives: custom

Coarse Jaws custom

I bet you’re already saw this piece from Coarse right? It’s from their exhibition. I took this images from their website.

It’s a really awesome piece! So from that very first time I saw it, I really hope that they’ll make that skeleton version someday, and still waiting till now.
Luckily, I was able to score the Jaws in a very good price and decided to customized it into that skeleton piece.

So all the parts already primed and repainted with white as the base color, next step is to manually paint every single bones of it. It’s gonna be fun!

Till then;

F3-7T Astromech Droid custom

I guess most of you have already knew about this awesome customized Star Wars’s astromech droid made by Nick Scurfield.
It’s named as F3-7T Droid, yup it’s in boba fett’s color theme!

Image courtesy of Nick Scurfield
So I contacted him couple of moths ago(a very nice man), asked him to do a collaboration piece between me and his brilliant concept.
The idea is to make this F3-7T droid concept into toys. I’ll do the custom toy plus his artwork print, all in one package. In limited numbers.

But unfortunately the collaboration won’t be possible for this moment, hopefully we can still make this happen in some other time. Thank you for the opportunity my friend 😀

So here goes. It was customized from Hasbro‘s, all customized and hand painted by me. Hope you like it as much as the original concept idea.

Be sure to check Nick’s profile guys!! It’s filled with lots of awesome stuffs!
